Saturday, February 20, 2016

A lightbulb moment

February 19, 2016

February 15-17, 2016
Coordinates 26 39.02.5”N 81 52. 31.3”W
Fort Myers , Florida
Mile Marker 135 of the GICW (Gulf Intracoastal Waterway)

While at Fort Myers we spent four hours touring the Edison and Ford winter estates.  I was pleasantly surprised that it was not all cars and inventions but much much more. I wish I could tell you about all that I learned but I can’t recall it.  I remember that Edison has been the only person to ever have a patent every year for 65 years, with a total of over 1000 patents.  Edison and Ford had adjacent property in Fort Myers, hearing about their lives was absolutely fascinating.

It was a wonderful stay at Fort Myers.  We connected with some nice people.  The couple is heading out in two weeks to do the Great Loop which includes the Great Lakes. The marina had a BBQ for everyone, so we socialized a bit.  We took the free trolley around town just to see where it went.  I had a couple of DVDs that I intended to leave at the marina, but gave them to the woman on the trolley instead.

We also spent a little time with Sue and Paul going over the route across the, OWW (Okeechobee Waterway) for the East coast of Florida.  I have enjoyed the West coast but I’m  looking forward to places that we have been before and places on the East coast we have not yet seen. The “cross” includes several locks and bridges. Sue and Paul were with us in previous locks, so taught us the “ropes”. Remember learning how to tie your shoes, it was a little bit like that, hard at first?  

The water on the Okeechobee Waterway can be “dicey, a word used to describe the personality of the water. Another word that is used to describe the seas is “chop”. I am beginning to think I am watching the “Food Network” a network. The network is okay but I would rather be watching it than on it.

Because the water can be “dicey” or choppy we will take the “rim route” instead of the “crossing” it, it is 10 miles longer, very narrow and has more shoaling in parts but a lot less like the Food Network.  We called and found out the depth of the water on the rim route and it seems that it is fine to travel, the route has nice scenery where the crossing route does not.

We started the route and went about 36 miles to Lollipop anchorage, a very short canal off the shoreline.  I immediately didn’t like it.  There were two sailboats rafted (joined together) in the middle of a very narrow canal, poor judgement I thought.  We continued passed them to an open place but the water was 32’ deep, so we could not stay.  We tried a more shallow place but the anchor didn’t hold.  Off we went to the River Forest Yachting Centers about 200 or 300 yards away, what a gem. The people are wonderful, the fees are the best yet, the facilities are top notch and the setting is beautiful. The town is 19 miles away but we don’t need anything. We will stay an extra day to wash windows and clean the outside of the boat.  It was great to have the sunshine to sit in when we had breaks.  We spent the evening with a couple from Alaska and exchanged information so we can stay in touch. Hope to see them again soon.

Another thing that we experienced while we were at this marina is black ashes on the boat.  When we asked the manager of the marina he told us that it was the burning of sugar cane. The farms burn the grass around the stock of the cane and then harvest the it.

All for now except for the pictures.

The Banyan Tree on the Edison and Ford Estate that covers about one acre

The other end of the Banyan Tree

The husband enjoying the Edison and Ford Estate

The Bamboo Tree, a source for the filament in the light bulb

Lots of trees on the estate that had other plants growing from the sides and limbs

Model TT
I would like to look this good when I have aged, oh yes the Model TT has had a facelift 

Here is the bird of this blog
The pelican was around for a long time curious about Rob bailing out the boat.

Parting Shot

The most beautiful marina

Unheard of, a paved winding road to the marina office

The working part of the marina

The cat on the far left belongs to our new friends
This is what the water looked like the day we left for the Okeechobee

Parting Shot

Hair salon house type boat at the marina in Fort Myers, genius.


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