Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Picture Perfect

December 23, 2015
Coordinates 30 67073N, 81 46622
Fernandina Beach, FL
Mile 717

We stayed at Fernandina Beach until December 26, 2015 and then moved on.  We headed to Cumberland Island for an anchorage so the mile marker will show that we backtracked.

December 26, 2015
Coordinates 30 76749N, 81.47144W
Cumberland Island, GA
Mile 710

December 27, 2015
Coordinates 30 67073N, 81 46622
Fernandina Beach, FL
Mile 717

December 28, 2015
Coordinates 30 67073N, 81 46622
Fernandina Beach, FL
Mile 717

Don’t judge a city by its entrance.

Here I am again talking about paper mills. It is amazing that the entrance to an adorable little city could be so industrial.  I don’t know why that amazes me.  

We spent Christmas in Fernandina and glad we did, however our dinner was mediocre at best.  But tonight we had a wonderful meal at Joe’s Bistro, so we will now refer to this as our Christmas dinner. I would say the best part of the day was talking to friends and family.

I promised myself that this blog would be short and filled with pictures but I want to tell you about our visit to Cumberland Island, a National Seashore Park.  Someone said that there are wild horses that run on the beaches.  In my head I created a story that we were going to see a herd of horses galloping on the shore.  I chuckled when I thought about this.  If there are wild horses why would they wander along the beach with people.    The closest we came to the horses was seeing several piles of dung.  I thought about tourists who come to Maine to see whales on “whale watches”.  What do they get to see, a fin or some tidbit that the tour guide determines is a whale.  I wonder why we are so smitten with trying to see into the wondrous world of the wild. I know I pretend to be friends with all the creatures we see.  Remember how the dolphin led our boat into Swansboro?  There pelicans here that I know can read my mind so pose for me to take their picture.  I saw a sea turtle today, but I didn’t hit it off with him like I did with the dolphin, although he really was amazing.

Back to Cumberland Island.  The island has raccoon, great horned owl, Fiddler crab, Clapper rail (some sort of bird), Peregrine falcon, Least tern (another bird), and the Ghost crab.  

Speaking of terns.  I heard a joke in the early 70’s about terns and marijuana.  I think it is clever but I haven’t found anyone else that thinks it is as funny as I do.  The story starts with a marijuana raid of a large crop of pot.  Once the bust was made the drug enforcement agents didn’t know what to do with the crop.  Finally it was decided that the crop would be burned on the coastline of northern California, as you can expect there was controversy over this decision.  One point that was made is that burning the marijuana on the coastline would leave-----no tern unstoned.

We are thrilled to be seeing our friends in St. Augustine in a few days.  We met up with some of our other boating friends today in Fernandina Beach and it was really great to see them again.

The pictures will tell the rest of the story.

I wanted to be friends with her but...

She had other ideas

Christmas Eve Service at the United Methodist Church, a beautiful church a wonderful sermon

The Pi's have it 


Ken and Will this one is for you.

Fernandina Beach on Christmas Eve


...as Rob would say, "this one is the husband"

Another try at making friends


Another rejection

I am sure you can tell that I am fascinated with the Pelican, a huge beautiful bird

I love this picture of my hubby



  1. Hi, I did chuckle when I read the tern line. Funny!
    Love the pi sign.
    Yes, pelicans and/or any wildlife = fascinating. Wish you had been able to see the wild horses as I would have enjoyed seeing the pix...As a child, I wanted a horse so I have a fondness for this animal.

  2. I love the joke. I think I will tell it at Toastmasters. The pictures are beautiful, esp. Christmas Eve. Don't hog all the sun, the rest of the soggy country needs some.
