Friday, November 6, 2015

A picture is worth a thousand words

November 5, 2015
Coordinates are 3nm south of last nights location.
Annapolis, MD

First I want to say I missed you yesterday but I guess not as much as I missed Bones.  I have access to WIFI so I did a Bones Marathon but I am back now.

I spent yesterday walking around Annapolis while Rob worked on the boat.  The generator, the transmission and two engines needed oil changes.  The starter needs a part and that could take hours to fix.  There is a piece missing from the forward head and he found a leak in the generator water tank that cools the generator.  We would like to have a wash for the anchor because it gets really dirty depending on the anchorage. I will let you know how much can actually be done with the time that we have at this dock.  Most of you know that I hate detail yet here I have given you lots of detail.  I was so proud of understanding it that I had to pass it on.  I assume that most of you would be satisfied with "work needed to be done". Here is where the boat is receiving her care.

Before I move on I want you to contemplate the two pictures.

Which crab are you today?

I have more pictures than words today but before I show you them I will set the stage.  It was a cloudy warm day here in Annapolis yesterday making it very pleasant to walk around town except for the backpack I carried.  I felt kinda silly being a 61 "old" woman carrying a backpack, I pictured myself in my early twenties.  Most of you know that I have done things that were much sillier.

I used to be able to find my way around in new places but not now.  I walked around a long time to find one thing that I wanted. It reminded me of being in the forest trying to find your way out and coming across the same tree several times.  You see all was not lost that I was lost because I put lots of steps on my pedometer adding up to 5.29 miles.  I am not bragging about my steps just hoping that you won't be concerned about me not getting any exercise.

I wrote a long story to you about my hotel experience and decided to delete it since I didn't particularly like it, so why would you want to hear it.  I had a wonderful time in spite of my hotel dealings.

My room is very comfortable and has a REAl shower!

Here are the pictures instead of words that I want you to see.

Chick $ Ruth's Delly
(Barbara A. eat your heart out wish you were here to share it with me)

The crab cakes were wonderful.  I chose this place because it was so busy I thought it must be good.

I am not really fond of food photos but I didn't want to resist

Annapolis in the fall

I wish that I could have taken the picture of the young girl and her mom sitting together in front of an ice cream store.  The young girl was breaking pieces of her cone off and feeding it to the little birds while mom looked on. I didn't want to ask if I could take a picture of the girl because I didn't want it out there on the  internet.  Since then I decided that the story leaves you to make up your own scene.  A lovely touching scene for those that had this relationship with their mom and for you who wish you did.  

Today I see family, Chaz and Holly a very special day for me.

On that note I will sign off.



  1. Thank you Tricia. Nice pictures!

  2. Such a range of to houses...definitely food for the eyes. With all the work that Rob is doing on the trawler, I hope he's able to put his feet up from time to time to enjoy the scenery.

    Conginue blogging..I look forward to your posts.
