Monday, November 2, 2015

Cape May Canal to the Delaware Bay

November 2, 2015
Coordinates     38.95024N, 74.88513W
Cape May, NJ
63.9 miles, 8 hours, 8.36 knots

Before I tell you about today, I want to fill you in on yesterday.  It was quite a slow day for me, so slow as a matter of fact, I washed the cabin floor. I went from one thing to another trying on different activities to see if I could settle down.  I did a little knitting and truthfully I can’t remember what else.  We were cove-bound by high seas.  

Sue called in the afternoon and we went ashore for a walk, which turned out to be so delightful.  We talked about the houses and tried to create a story about why they chose to live on Long Beach Island.  We found a path through the pucker brush to sand dunes and finally to the beach.

Susan saying thanks to the beach deities
Interesting that I get more walking in on this boat trek than I did at home.  We try to go ashore if we can and explore.  Sue and I walked over 3 miles yesterday on the beach.  We chatted to the people we met who were fishing off the breakwater, we took a picture of a beautiful gull and we selected shell treasures to bring back to the boats.

Let me tell you about a nice gull experience after the gull guano one that we had in Rockland Harbor.  I guess there is profit in begging, look at the size of this waddling gull. I have never seen such a beautiful plump gull. I will let you feast your eyes on a beauty.  Susan told me it was a herring gull and the locals told us it was a baby herring gull.

Herring Gull

I get really distracted while doing this blog because I want to tell you everything so you can have as much fun as I am, but it just isn’t possible.  For instance, I can’t describe every interesting thing I picked up on the beach. 

Let’s talk about our trip to Cape May today.  It was for the most part a ho hum day, sprinkled with excitement.  I saw 2 alien spaceships, the radar warned up of pending doom.  We couldn’t figure out why the alarm on the radar was going off and before we find out why I had created a story from WWII that included torpedoes.  Radar really should include a description.  The ocean was scattered with lots of foreign objects that had to be defined and deemed harmless.

We are settled into the shores of the oldest seashore resort in the United States, but if I hadn’t told you that, you would not have guessed it on your own.  We are anchored just off shore from the Coast Guard training camp.

Supper was delicious, a hearty serving of peanut/tofu/pasta combination. 

I want to say goodnight to you with a few pictures of the crew. But before I say goodnight I want to tell you about the hump back whale that we saw today. This one was very large and just gave a hint of its size.



Another day is done.


  1. Thank you again for your update.

  2. I'm having a hard time converting degrees & minute to 100ths but on Google Earth it looks like you are at the western exit of the cane and I can see what looks like a marina there.

  3. Love you blog, Tricia. The sunset photo is spectacular.
