Monday, October 12, 2015


I have lots to tell you and show you this morning. So much in fact, I can't write fast enough.  I hope the pictures that I have to share with you give you some sense of what it is like to be at the Rockland dock today.
Harbormaster is cleaning the guano off the dock, preparing for the cruise ship.  If you squint and study the picture you will be able to see the ship coming in to anchor.
The sun makes a lovely backdrop for the cruise ship.
I couldn't decide which picture you would like to see, so I added more than one

Tender bringing people in from the cruise boat to explore the town.  I talked to some and told them what to see.  I love my new volunteer job.

Interrupted again by chatting with someone from the cruise ship.  He is from Fort Lauderdale and used to boat, so had a wealth of information about boating in Florida.

I posted this before too much time went by and will try to post again today.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this gorgeous slice of your life!

  2. Such breathtaking pictures. While I'm reading and looking at the pictures, I can smell the ocean air. What a way to start each morning - taking all of this in via all of your senses! On top of this, all the people that you're meeting, and the knowledge that you're acquiring! Thank you for sharing!
