Sunday, October 18, 2015

Little Harbor

October 18, 2015

We did not travel today as predicted.  We met a 42’ Grand Banks, ours is 36’, trawler in Rockland and saw them enroute.  We knew they were headed to Portsmouth yesterday and even though the weather was not good today we saw them leave in the morning very early. Perhaps they feel safe traveling because their boat is so much larger than ours.  The owners live in Ontario and have lots of experience boating.  

It was 28 degrees when we got up this morning, but it was somewhat easier to get out of bed knowing we had warm whole wheat bread waiting.  Today was a traditional Sunday breakfast of bacon, eggs and bread, which was as good as it sounds.

We had a list of chores we wanted to do in the morning and it is 6pm and we are just sitting down for the evening.  Our drive was to hook up the antenna to get television and watch the Patriots play tonight at  8:30, mission accomplished!  We are disappointed that the antenna won’t pick up NBC here, CBS but no NBC.  We have not given up hope that in the next place we stop when the Pats are playing we will be able to get whichever station they are on.

I did install my indoor and outdoor thermometers today, so we can see how cold it is in the morning without looking online. You see it takes Gs to find out the weather online and you see data is precious when not on Wi-Fi.  It is an adjustment for me to be without endless Wi-Fi, so I have to figure out what is really important to me.  I don’t think there will be watching anymore Bones on Netflix for awhile and that I miss a lot now.  I would like to have some guide about data usage, so if anyone has a detailed list or guideline for this, please share.

Imagine sitting in your kitchen all the time and having tempting goodies to eat, well that is the story here.  You might tell me not to buy tempting goodies but that is harder than it sounds and lots of my friends know that. You see one must have chips with hot dogs, guacamole with the chips and hummus with other chips all before dinner happens.

Tomorrow we are scheduled to leave here and head to Gloucester, MA.  I am not looking forward to being in the open seas again after yesterday.  I will let you know how we make out.  Tuesday is predicted to be horrible traveling weather, so we may stay put on that day too.

Gloucester has all things mariners like.  Rob needs to pick something up for the boat.  I have learned from Rob that places like Hamilton Marine in Rockland are “toy” stores. I guess we all have toy stores they just sell shoes, stamping supplies, yarn, cooking supplies, and actual toys.

I only have one picture to share today and it is taken by our traveling friends.  No one wanted to travel to the other’s trawler by dinghy at least that is my take.
Thanks to friends a nice picture of Linda Jean.

If I have time to write, I will see you tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I think you're headed in the right direction! What a cold morning! You probably had to chip the ice off the mooring line to cast off....haha.
    Enjoying your blog tremendously, thanks so much for doing it.
