Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st of 2015

I have missed writing and I am trying to figure out how to do my blog a little different.  I am still trying, but wanted to catch you up before any more time went by.

Coordinates  42.61198N, 70.65613W Little Harbor anchorage Portsmouth, ME,
On the 18th we didn't go any where because we were waiting for the weather to change making calmer seas.

October 19th we left Little Harbor for the Annisquam, MA it was a beautiful day.  When you get to the Annisquam and the Blynman canal you have to wait until the tide is almost high and the current carries you through.

October 19th started with 44 degrees inside and 33.1 outside.  I was lucky enough to stay in bed until  the generator heated up the cabin to 53.

First you will be very excited to hear that my long johns have been found.  Since the beginning of the trip their whereabouts have been unknown.  You already know that it has been very cold on route and without this wonderful layer of undies, it has been cold.  The long johns were packed with the bathing suits!  Don’t ask!

There were 41 turns in the Blynman Canal, if you ignore the color of the guided red and green markers you will go aground.

There are pictures of bridges and bodies of water that stretch out ahead.  You may be interested in the first 20 bridges that you see and you might be interested in the  first 1000 bodies of water that you see on the blog but you will soon tire of seeing the bridges and the water so here is just a sampling to feast your eyes on and after this you will only see the very exceptional.

Today was one of those days on the “road”.  The sky was very blue and the seas were cooperative.  It was very exciting to see how the drawbridges work, by work I mean not just the mechanics but the logistics and human component.

The pictures can speak for the trip that ends in Gloucester Harbor.

Boat Hook mangled in last mooring pick up.  I was going to hold onto that mooring regardless and it almost was regardless.  This happened late on October 17th.

"Thy staff that comforts me...

Can you tell it was a cold day on the canal!

At the end of the canal was Gloucester, MA, once the largest fishing capitol of New England. Think about the book and movie "The Perfect Storm" and Linda Greenlaw.

Coordinates 42.61180N, 70.65591W

We spent the day in Gloucester, because once again the seas were not good to travel.

Here are a few pictures I thought you would enjoy.

We walked around Gloucester on the 20th, it looks kinda sad to me with fishing boats mostly docked with no jobs to be done.

I am going to sign off for today, I will let you know when we land in Onset, MA.  

Coordinates for Onset, this is a rough idea  41.74059N, 70.65764W.  I will let you know if that is the exact location for our trawler.



  1. Yay, longjohns!! Great to hear how it's going - I'm getting hooked on the blog, and it's so exciting to get the notice of a new one. Thanks so much for writing!

  2. The long johns were packed with the bathing suits...that will make a super book title. I continue to enjoy your postings....and the lat./longitude adds that definite sea travel feel to your daily journal. I continue to be in awe of what you're you cope/adjust to your new way of life..the adaptations that are made each day in response to the sea...fascinating.

  3. It certainly looks cold!! Good thing you are headed SOUTH!

  4. Gloucester to Onset must be about 70 miles. Gonna be a long day with the Cape Code Canal and everything. That is gonna be fun though. What will your next stop be? Block Island? Montauk? Have you decided which side of Long Island you will be traversing?
